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We now have a committed group of generous businesses and organisations who kindly donate complimentary break opportunities to carers registered with Mytime. However demand for breaks exceeds supply and we need your help.

Why Are We Needed?

Carers hold families together, they enable their loved ones to lead fulfilling lives, often making huge sacrifices along the way; their contribution to society is immeasurable. Carers are stretched to the limit with competing demands of their time and energy.

Examples Of Breaks

An overnight stay gives carers the opportunity to relax and refresh for a night away from the stress and pressures of caring for a loved one.
Afternoon tea is great for our carers who can only get away for a couple of hours as it allows them to enjoy a bit of luxury.
Theatre trips give carers the opportunity to do something they wouldn’t usually do and really take their mind of everything.
It can often be difficult for carers to get the chance to eat out so our restaurant breaks are the perfect opportunity for them to enjoy a nice meal without having to worry about anything.
This can include anything from massages and reiki to spa or leisure passes. Caring can often have a negative impact on physical and mental wellbeing so heath and relaxation is the perfect way for carers to recharge their batteries and help them feel more energised so they can carry on with their caring roles.
Whether it’s taking part or spectating, sports is a great way for carers to escape from their responsibilities. It also gives them the opportunity to meet new people and have a change of scenery.
A number of our contributing organisations have offered to hold larger events for carers. These are always lots of fun and also give carers the chance to meet others in a similar position to themselves.

Why Join Us?

This is an exciting opportunity for businesses and organisations to get involved and give something back to their local community.

Feel good factor about contributing to a good cause.

Positive publicity on our website and social media

Improves Corporate Social Responsibility

Being part of a growing initiative that connects businesses across your region.

What Can You Contribute?

As a contributing organisation you have the opportunity to design how you would like to provide this special ‘gift’ of Mytime to carers. It’s entirely up to you what your contributions are, how often you provide them and when they take place – no offer is too big, too small or too unique!